
The Audio Workshop
Transient split with VolumeShaper

Can we use Cableguys VolumeShaper and its transient detection together with REAPERs routing capabilities to split a signal into transient and sustain sections? Yes we can! This is a another transient shaper on steroids!

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Amplitude split with REAPER 7 FX Containers

Can we use REAPERs routing capabilities to split a signal by amplitude? Yes we can! In fact, REAPER 7s new FX Containers make this even more convenient. This is a transient shaper on steroids!

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First Three Eurorack Modules and Reaktor

What are the first modules to get, when starting with Eurorack? I am trying to answer that question for myself and look into digital alternatives in Reaktor.

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Compounding Growth in Pet-Projects 2020-08-21

Compounding, as in accumulated and accelerated growth – similar to compound interest. Can this concept be transferred to music production and coding? In this post, I want to approach this idea to learn if it can be useful to do more and plan less.

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Song Analysis: Quester 2020-09-04

In the IndieMusicFeedback genrespin game you spin a wheel, get a genre, and try your best to produce a new song of that genre. The last time I played, I rolled Synthrock. Without knowing too much about the genre, I went and made a bass-heavy rock ballad with all but perfect vocals. This is a good time to take a close look at the production and see what I want to do better with my next song.

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Building a New Bass Synth With Reaktor Blocks 2020-09-11

I am preparing a bass synthesizer for a new eerie electronic project. The project is still in an early stage and things are in flux, but watching people with eurorack hardware on YouTube made me want to patch together my own instrument. Unfortunately, I am not in a place where I can afford to get addicted to eurocrack and go to software that I own instead.

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Introduction to Jorchime 2020-08-14

At the foot of the Jura mountains, I was thinking a lot about how things sound. I am a Software Developer, Physicist and Musician and will probably always go between these fields. But this also leads to ever-changing pet projects and I felt a need for cohesion and convergence between them. This is why I decided to look for an umbrella that groups all of these projects together, such that every new project finds a place under it.

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